The clamor grows for symbols and ideas that encourage us to “Think Bigger!”
In a world increasingly devoid of leaders and institutions which inspire from a place of integrity, compassion and forethought… increasing numbers of us are going inward, drawing upon personal power and becoming our own examples, heros and heroines.
This international symbol of diversity, tolerance, cooperation and uniqueness strives to be a part of that inspiration. Since 1996 this flag has come to represent thousands and thousands worldwide: “Honoring the Talents, Abilities and Uniqueness in Each of Us… as Strengths that can Benefit All of Us”, “… because we have more in common as a world, than we have differences between nations”.
There are those who’d call such beliefs naive and simplistic. We choose to believe the converse to be true. To stay positive, and to continue to work for positive change and a world that nurtures all… such is the stuff of imagination, commitment and greatness!
Whatever your positive intention in the world, please consider the One World Flag as a banner under which all of our kind can express and flourish. “Think Bigger! “Spread the World.”
— David Bartholomew, originator