How did the One World Flag come to be?
What the One World Flag is not…
What it is…
Planned Obsolescence
What is the history and current status of the flag?
Non-Profit Status
How can I get involved?
Where can I purchase a One World Flag, shirt, hat, etc.?
How did the One World Flag come to be?
I (David Bartholomew) had the image of the flag basically come through me during the summer of 1996. On the heels of that came the mission statement and a concept/game plan of all that could eventually unfold with respect to it.
This was maybe the third time something divinely inspired ever came through me to this degree, by way of me knowing just to get out of the way of it. These things seem to make themselves known by the sense that they are an order of magnitude higher or more pure than the decent writings or expressions which I can usually concoct out of my determination and work ethic.
I had been influenced as a kid by the similar concept of the Flag of Earth, by James Cadle, that I discovered the existence of around 1970. I knew then what kids know– that it seemed silly that there were countries that fought one another for seemingly no good reason… and that there was also something wrong with a system of many languages that disallowed people from talking to one another. I disliked the idea that people could be divided and conquered, manipulated and made to submit to that attitude, etc. And I guess that was always working on me on some level.
Once the flag presented itself to me I had to question whether another flag or symbol was really needed, when there were so many others in existence. And I sat with it, and took it in… and came up with this: “It came through me. It must be for a reason. Perhaps there will be an energy behind it that will go beyond that which has preceeded it. I don’t know.” I only knew to trust it… and to maintain a constant system of checks and balances in place to be sure it wasn’t coming from an ego place.
I also knew that a lesson that might be up for me, and buttons might be pushed with respect to hiding out from being seen, an issue I find common to most of us, that is delineated particularly well in a favorite Oriah Mountain Dreamer quote (also incorporated by Nelson Mandela into his inaugural speech) that reads in part, “It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us,” and, “Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.”
So, in the time that has passed since the flag was revealed to me, I have attempted to find balance between egomania and hiding out. I have ping-ponged and see-sawed, have felt overwhelm, fought with control issues, been exhilarated, been depressed… sat with clarity and confusion both… basically, have experienced emotion at all ends of the spectrum.
In the time since its inception (over a quarter century now!) I have seen people respond favorably, take inspiration from it (especially in the wake of 9/11 and other world crises), contribute to its betterment by volunteering and sharing. I’ve made friends out of vendors, out of friends of friends, and had meaningful dialogue with people I’ve never met other than via e-mail.
I’ve seen kids draw their vision of their own uniqueness. I’ve received gifts of stories from the hearts of many who have their similar visions and heart-wrenching testimonials.
And the juggernaut of positive energy and intention behind the One World Flag… just warms the heart.
What it is not
- The One World Flag is not part of a governmental brainwashing scheme, or new world order to strip us of our will, or make us look, think, act, or dress alike (unlike the system that’s pretty well in place now!).
- it is not aligned with any New World Order or other power trip or conspiracy.
- It is not affiliated with any individual or group that wants to exterminate or oppress any other individual or group.
- It is not just to be dismissed as some airy-fairy, mumbo-jumbo, goody-goody, new-age (read to be dismissed as harmless) idea that is simply supposed to look good as a patch sewn on the rear pocket of some hippie’s jeans.
- And it is mostly-not for those who refuse to take personal responsibility for their lives or the world they have created for themselves.
What it is
- It is aimed at being a focal point from which a balance can be struck– being proud of the unique talents, character, contributions, and ability of oneself or one’s own group (however you define yourself)… up to the point that that pride infringes on the rights of others…
- And is intended to inspire happiness, creativity, peace, and joy in those who come in contact with it.
[Fanatics who would “Spam” me at this point should re-read the above and the rest of this site for key words like “honoring”, “supportive”, “tolerance”, etc., and give it a rest.]
Planned Obsolescence
Like any cause-inspired idea that thinks far enough ahead, the One World Flag concept has an inherent self-destruct mechanism built into it. That is, if we all get it, and practice it, there will be no need for it. The flag. The hoopla. The soap box oration, cosmetic line, or trading cards. It will die a happy death– having served its purpose– and the wake will be a blast for all!
Of course there will then come a love-child called the One Galaxy Flag, and a grandbaby (cute as a button!) One Universe Flag, that will also be destined to go on to greener pastures.
Like “End Hunger”, “Peace”, “Stop the Violence”, and other catchy ideas the point behind this flag… ought to be moot. Only the ignernt (and a wise friend once said, “You can call me ‘dumb’, or ‘stupid’, or ‘ignorant’, or just about anything else… but don’t ever call me ‘ignernt!”) and compassionless debate the idea that we all have worth… though I see and hear such every day. We should make it our business, and as proof of our humanity… to discover what others are about and how it might benefit us to know them… that we should make an effort to be able to converse with each other… and, at the very least, not buy into the propaganda that they are out to get us any more than we are out to get them.
Looking to the dictionary, I find (to my surprise) that we have achieved the B.M.L. (bare minimum level) of civilization according to Webster– “… specif : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained”. But that’s about it! And that’s not enough! Folks keep falling for the same divide and conquer propaganda toward the ends of disempowering the majority, and separating more of us from a sufficient standard of living.
We can design a world in which we all take on the responsibility– to be responsible, to teach, to effect, to lead in non-competitive ways, to speak our truth, and to connect. It begins when we start to… Spread the World!
What is the history and current status of the flag?
The following are some chronological highlights/milestones of the early genesis of the flag.
Summer of 1996-
– The flag is originated and a plan is formulated.
– The creation of the initial website, as a page within my home site is achieved. The focus is on “linking” to others and getting the word out.
– Dr. Huston Smith of Berkeley is an early supporter… and presents the flag to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on a rare teaching trip to L.A. in June.
– first tv appearance on a local L.A. talk show.
– The One World Kids Curriculum is launched. A handful of willing and able educators signs on to help develop age-appropriate materials for a unit of study on diversity, uniqueness, cooperation, tolerance, etc.
– The One World Kids Curriculum content is, for all practical purposes completed (shy of being sent to print).
– speaking engagements and appearances primarily during the week of Earth Day.
– After one year and nine months, a federal, registered trademark comes through, allowing protection from the flag being represented for the wrong purposes.
– The first batch of actual 3′ by 5′ flags arrives.
– A fiscal agent (SEE- Social and Environmental Entrepeneurs) takes on the One World Flag as one of its projects, thus securing our non-profit status.
– Volunteers begin asking to be put to work.
– Fueled by the renewed enthusiasm and focus of year-end ’98, and the new non-profit status, a space for an expanded website was donated by Flemming Funch’s Synchronicity Network.
Almost all of the major building blocks are in place.
* Flags for flying.
* Products for visibility and to yield monies to be funneled into the One World Kids programs and other worthy projects of mine and others.
* The highly visible site– able to reach more people, handle more traffic, serve as the hub of information management.
* An organizing of volunteers and interns to expand my ability to reach more folks. A plan for more “linking”, more press releases, more tv/radio appearances.
– This website (prior to translation software and plug-ins) got translated into 4 languages by eager volunteers, making it available to all the more people.
– The times catch up to the flag. New millenium– requires “Thinking Bigger!”
– in the wake of 9/11 the flag is discovered by many people searching for a “bigger flag to fly”.
– I decide to relinquish non-profit status.
Non-Profit Status
From its inception through 2005, the One World Flag was a nonprofit public entity with 501(c)(3) status. As administration fees were continual and we weren’t really driven, or knowledgeable enough, to pursue grants or donations, we consciously gave up this status.
How can I get involved?
- “Fly” the flag on your website by downloading it, and “linking” back to this site.
- “Fly” an actual flag, shirt, hat, pin, sticker, etc.
- Volunteer or Intern (there are currently no volunteer or intern opportunities available but please check back).
- Encourage other Friends,Venues, Organizations, Churches, Etc. to fly the flag.
- Send pictures of yourself and the One World Flag in your areas of travel, for inclusion into the website, newsletters, etc. (submission will serve as consent to be used in the manner described.)
- Letters, notes, e-mails of support detailing how the One World Flag is in alignment with your goals, what it has inspired, how it supports your own vision, etc.
Where can I purchase a One World Flag, shirt, hat, etc.?
Please go to the Shop page,to order high quality items aimed at furthering the goals, and increasing the visibility of the flag.