About Us

We hope that those interested in the aims of the One World Flag may also be interested in the other intentional work of David Bartholomew (originator of the flag) and Joan Clark (wife/partner/creatrix in her own right). Please visit our other websites and see how we are striving for higher levels of quality of life, expression, community and conscious living… for ourselves and others. There is much work and healing to do. Let us do it in joy and peace!


DavidMichaelBartholomew.com“Who I am, is the possibility of bringing forth the essence and passion in people, such that they fully acknowledge it in themselves.” Detailing some, on my Writings, Peoplementaries and Instructional Videos, facilitation of Holistic Healing and Mentoring (click directly into the dbhealer.com page if interested), and varied tidbits, expressions and experiences in support of not being a spectator in one’s own life.


Joan Clark’s Palais Aromaetica (joanclark.com)— the home of all of the amazing work of my wife and partner Joan Clark. Including (but not limited to):

  • The Goddess Aromaetica and The Pet Alchemist lines of renowned all-natural essential oils, tinctures, custom blends, blank labeling, etc.;
  • an expanding body of sacred Mary Magdalene workThe Mary Magdalene Daily Devotional; the Goddess Mystery School Teachings; the Magdalene Collection of sacred scent;
  • personally-led Travel Adventures and Pilgrimages to Magdalene and other sacred sites around the world;
  • Joan of Art— inspiring, intuitive art– paintings, altars, prayer shawls— being sought from coast to coast and beyond; creations such as– the B the Messenger line of empowering goddess t-shirts; the Moon Goddess Oracle Deck— worldly wisdom from everyday goddesses; additional books, writings, teachings, and more;
  • complete Class/Workshop/Retreat schedule;
  • Intuitive Healing Treatments/Consultations; etc.
  • originator of supportive women’s circles, prayer circles– Women of Essence, Powerful Passionate Women for Peace;
  • and more.

Thanks You’s/Hall of Fame

There is something about this flag and the energy behind it that gets people excited… and donating time and effort, and extending beyond anything they would have ever planned or believed possible from themselves. I have made lasting friends out of vendors who don’t know the meaning of the phrase, “I just work here”. I have seen strangers and acquaintances step forward and show their powerful, purposeful selves. I have been recognized by kids from schools where I had spoken. I have been validated and blessed by many, many people in the short time that this flag took to get off the ground. And I can feel the momentum growing.

So it only seems appropriate that I take the time to thank those who have been here since the beginning… who exhibit no signs of being able to be shaken… and on whose wings the One World Flag has flown.

-J.C. Logan- Web Designer/Graphic Designer. J.C. was an original supporter who, along with Christopher Mayes, helped immensely and pulled many hours getting the first batches of One World Flag print materials ready for the printer, and designed an earlier version of this website, with some of his elements still very present.. J.C. has had lines of his products and inventions sold worldwide, and is a premier special effects makeup artist, production designer, and fine artist as well.

-Christopher Mayes- Graphic Artist/Designer/Illustrator. Chris, friend since ‘82, and nationally recognized graphic artist/designer/illustrator/fine artist/musician split duty with J.C. on getting first batches of materials ready for the printer. He developed the logos for the One World Kids program, designed the coloring sheets, and more. He has forgotten more about art and design than most people will know (and still retained enough to help me out).

-Tecia Layson- Ace Networker/Link-Seeking Volunteer. Tecia was a major networker from the start– having introduced the flag to many people worldwide, including Steve Sugarman of SEE, who became fiscal agent for the flag; the folks at “Visions for the Millenium: A World Congress” who offered me the opportunity to open that event with the unveiling of the flag. She was also the first to volunteer time to this mission. She is a priestess trained in more than one goddess tradition, and sees a significant part of her purpose as catalyst by way of introducing and networking people together to see what may develop.

-Flemming Funch- Internet Service Provider/Visionary. Flemming, founder of the New Civilization Network procured the domain name for me, just upped and donated the space for the One World Flag for many years, maintained it, and has just provided immense tech support, wisdom and friendship through these many years..

-Carolina Goodman- Vehement Supporter/One World Kids curriculum team. Carolina was elementary school principal of The Country School in L.A. This distinguished educator got hooked on the idea of the flag and invited me to speak to the entire school the week of Earth Day (in April ’98). She also took a chapter from Tom Sawyer and asked if I wouldn’t like to paint the One World Flag on a 12′ by 16′ handball wall on their playground. And she is notable as one who has proofed and revised and nurtured the One World Kids program from the moment I voiced it as a possibility.

-Stuart Cropley, Derek Voy, and Nils Hanson. Puchasers of the flag when there was no flag. These 3 people spurred on the evolution of the flag more than they will know. When it was not much more than an idea that had come through me and had me babbling about all these great plans, Stuart and Derek (in L.A.), and Nils (from New York) each gave me a check earmarked for a flag. As far as I’m concerned, my heart opened wider at their gestures than did the Grinch’s over the kindness of Cindy Lou Who.

-The Handball Wall Painting Team- J.C. Logan, Tecia Layson, Robin Skelton, Melissa Greenspan… and video crew Josh Blyden and Kimberly Dusenberry. Talk about a blast! Take a blank 12′ by 16′ wall, spend time scaling the flag up from about 3″ by 5″, add some paint, a couple ladders, tunes, and snacks… and about 4 hours later you have a wall that looks too perfect to have been painted– the pictures of which have been accused of being altered in Photoshop. Each of these folks surfaced anytime a request was made of them with respect to the flag.

-The Vendors/Friends… Frendors. Roberto Quezadas of Model Printing for much input, assistance, technical expertise, and friendship through the printing process. Jack Tchan of Summit Travelware who got caught up in the spirit and went the extra mile in bringing the enameled pins to fruition. Bill Reich of LeClub Bag Company who pulled out all the stops bringing in the first batch of flags. The day I drove these signature items home was a very proud day for me. And I am proud to have them available to fly anywhere. Terry, Ben, Craig and the folks at LCA Promotions for a great 4-color silk screening job on the shirts. Stephen Byrens of Bevmar for a great, good-ole broken-in looking hat. Etc. Etc.

-The One World Kids Curriculum Team– Carolina Goodman, Deb Bartholme, Dave Rowe, Pat Kinderman, Nancy Delancey. These educators, in addition to any number of letters following their names, were uniquely qualified to have helped create the upcoming One World Kids unit of study, etc., by virtue of never having forgotten what it is to be a kid!

-The Translators- Sandrine (French), Suzanne Bernard (French), Svetlana Gladkova (Russian), Martin Heimann (German), Michael Doudoroff (Spanish), Maria Alejandra Funes (Spanish editing). It would have been hard for most to imagine how many hours went into a translation– prior to the implementation of translation software– that conveyed exactly the vast content within this site. These volunteers came through after many before them gave up on the task, and in each case made the experience easy and thoroughly enjoyable for me. It was truly a coup for me to have the One World Flag message available… in more of the world.

-and all those who have supported my original vision, added theirs to it, and put their energy behind the idea that we can always continue to “Think Bigger!”